Visit my Web site: Lahaina Photography

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Snow geese seen at Kealia pond, Maui, Hawaii.

In the last couple of weeks I've had the opportunity to see a rare sight on Maui. A flock of up to 20 Snow geese at Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge. I think that there were more than 20 at one point but the count that I took today was around 20.

I was able to shoot some video ( a little shaky at that ) and some photos. I only had my Panasonic Lumix FZ2500 with me so the photos aren't that great. Shot from my vehicle on the side of the highway, they were probably 75-100 yards in.


Snow geese in Maui, Hawaii


Snow geese kealia pond

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Engagement on the beach. Kaanapali, Maui, Hawaii

Well we're partially through a 2015 and I haven't posted in a while. I will be slowly updating when i have time.

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Wildlife photography at Kealia Pond

The Ae'o is an endangered Hawaiian subspecies of the black-necked stilt (H. mexicanus) species. Hawaiian stilts in flight. Endemic to Hawaii. Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug Hawaiian stilts protecting their chicks by chasing away this visiting Northern shoveler.
A visiting White-faced Ibis.
The Hawaiian Coot was federally listed in October 1970 as an endangered species. Hawaiian Coot with red frontal shield, endemic. Hawaiian name Alae Ke'o ke'o
 Visit my gallery for more wildlife photos from Kealia pond wildlife refuge